MAF – Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries






Welcome to the Crops Division of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF). Our vision is to provide quality services into all areas of crops development and extension to sustain production for enhancement of the livelihoods of the people of Samoa

Our mission is to produce high quality quantitative and qualitative services in order to enhance crops development and provide advisory services to improve and sustain crops production for the benefit of subsistence and commercial ventures

The Crops Division aligns its work with the Government’s Strategy for the Development of Samoa 2016/2017 – 2019/2020 “Accelerating Sustainable Development and Broadening Opportunities for All” stipulated in the Agriculture Sector Plan 2016-2020 provides the framework to guide coherent programs and actions from all key stakeholders to achieve the goal of increased food, nutrition and income security in Samoa. The Division’s role is to increase food production through improved technologies, pest management practices and marketing of agriculture produce.


  1. Section core function is to provide technical extension services through crops advisory and development services to improve crop production for primary producers of plantation crops, vegetable, root crops, fruit trees, nuts and spices.

2. Eight stations are located in Upolu (4) and Savaii (4) to allow for the Advisory services more convenient and available to the farming communities.

3. The Advisory Section enhancing partnerships with other extension services to hamonize crops advisory message at the national and international levels.

The Effectiveness of Crops Extension Tools are relying on good coordination and facilitations with;

  1. Training partners (Farmers, farmer groups and associations, village communities, youth groups, women groups, Non Government Organizations, Government Agencies, Schools etc
  2. Training programs (Intergrated Pest Management (IPM), farming systems, farming technologies, Plant Health Clininc (PHC), Farmer Field School (FFS), Export Pathways, Farm Management and Business Plans, Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle Control Programs, Field Visits etc)
  3. Affiliations (SCATAP, SAFPROM, ACIAR/SPC/IPM/ICM, UNDP SGP, CSSP Agriculture Interventions, FAO Agriculture Interventions, PPCR Coconut and Cocoa Replanting etc)
  4. Meetings and consultations (Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)
  5. Public Awareness (Community outreach, TV programs, Annual Agriculture Show, Open Day, Career Day, Commemoration of World Food Day, Radio programs, Publications, Displays, etc)
  6. Seed production method to ensure sustainable seeds supply by encouraging use of open pollinated seed varieties to support food and nutrition security.


Section core role is to undertake crops development and extension services to improve crop production for primary producers of plantation crops, vegetable, root crops, fruit trees, nuts and spices.

Serving the public and communities through production of qualitative and quantitative planting materials for on going demand for Crops planting materials.
Planting Materials for Upolu are available at MAF Stations located at Nuu, Aleisa, Savaia & Poutasi

Show casing of available farming technologies, farming system, crop improved varieties. In field conservation of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR),such as traditional varieties.

Support the Agriculture export industry through developing export pathways to meet market requirements and quality standard. Provide certified packhouse facilities that are complying to international export standards. Updating statistics of approved export commodities processed at packing facilities.


Implementing partners: Enhancing partnership with key stakeholders of the value chain to strengthen crop industry development. (Exporters, growers, farmers associations, Non government organisations and related government agencies).


  • Facilitate implementation of replanting program of key crops (coconut and cocoa)
  • Facilitate implementation of major pest control program affecting key crops at the national level. For example, the promotion and awareness campaign on the Coconut Rhinoceros Beetle control methods. The monitoring of the Fruit fly trapping system and assessment.


utility support services

“Provide Administrative and general support services for Crops Division”

Provide administrative and general support services for Crops Division

To serve Crops valued customers professionally, persistently, fairly and with respect.

To support Crops sub sector with traditional and culture.

To manage Crops Division honestly, efficiently, and with full commitment, transparency and accountability

The procurement of appropriate tools, equipment, agriculture supplies, and raw materials required by the Crops Division for effective delivery of its output.

The procurement of appropriate tools, equipment, agriculture supplies, and raw materials required by the Crops Division for effective delivery of its output.

Good management of public assets and project funding.

Monitoring the performance indicators and cost recovery of each respective section of the division.