MAF – Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries



List of Approved Import Commodities – Download

Quarantine Fee Schedule –Download

Samoa is free from many of the world’s dangerous agricultural and environment changing pests and diseases. And we want to keep it that way. Our rich farm lands, produce a large variety of crops, and livestock farming for our people. Some of our produce and livestock are exported overseas. Food, plants or plants products, animals or animal products from overseas may contain diseases that affect our source of income and food security.

Today however the speed and popularity of air travel has dramatically increased the chances of spreading pests and diseases from other countries to our shores, particularly those plant and animal pests and diseases, and weed species, which could devastate our economy, unique environment, and our way of life.

Our island paradise is constantly under threat and these pests and diseases may travel as hitchhikers with goods that you bring to Samoa. The best advice from Quarantine is – if in doubt leave it at home or declare.

Samoa Quarantine Service (SQS) is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), and the Biosecurity Act 2005 mandates our work, where we prevent or control the introduction and spread of pests and diseases that could cause significant damage to human beings, animals, plants and other aspects of the environment or economic activities

We are also responsible for assisting exporters of primary produce by providing market access opportunities and government-to-government certification for these products.


 The Registrar of Pesticides ensures that only registered pesticides are available and in use in Samoa, hence, all imported pesticides must be registered.

The SQS operates a twenty-four-hour, seven-days-a-week service, maintaining a presence at key points for entry of biosecurity risk goods – airports, seaports, cargo depots and the mail centre at Apia.

The SQS works in tandem with other inspection agencies at the border (Immigration, Customs and Health) for a whole-of-government approach to border protection.

We have a wonderful environment, and unique unspoiled way of life, and we are proud to protect it.


Help Us to Protect Samoa from Exotic Pests and Diseases.

Technical Policy Section

This section is involved in carrying out Import Risk Analysis (IRAs) for all new imports as well as reviewing current Available Import Permits. Conduct research on International Health Standards for approved imports, and assist in the implementation of policy advice and develop contact information on market access status with other importing and exporting countries.

 to its target groups to ensure maximum level of compliance to Quarantine. Main responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Improve consultation and public awareness systems with stakeholders

Prepare Quarantine Awareness and training materials and safeguarding
General public relations, education and promotion of Quarantine
Gather information for dissemination on the website and media
Conduct survey and monitor compliance levels rating awareness to the general public



Samoa is free from many of the world’s dangerous agricultural and environment chan

Responsible for the registration, regulation and monitoring of all imported pesticides, its sale, safe use, and distribution in Samoa. Enforcement of the Pesticides Regulation 2011 and ensures only high quality pesticides enters Samoa. The Pesticide Registrar is responsible for:

Process all applications/requests for registration of pesticides in accordance to the Pesticides Regulation2011
Research and advise the Pesticides Technical Committee (PTC) on most effective and environmentally safe pesticides for registration in Samoa
Secretary to the Pesticide Technical Committee
Liase with other Government Ministries /Corporations and NGOs on matters relating to the control, importation, transport, storage, sale and safe use of pesticides
Conduct field and laboratory tests on pesticides as requested by the PTC
Implement and maintain licensing system for specific pesticides (Eg: Paraquat Gramaxone)
Develop and Implement a register of pesticides approved for introduction to Samoa
Prepare and issue import permits for approved pesticides
Pesticides can be defined to generally include products used for pest, weed and disease control in agriculture, horticulture, public health, stored products, wood and wood products, as well as those used on animals to control external pests and on plants to regulate growth or fruit maturity.

*Please be aware that mosquito coils and Mortein are categorized as household pesticides, so they also apply for an import permit for its importation. Brining in any types of pesticides without going through the proper procedure will result in your item to be seized and destroyed.

ging pests and diseases. And we want to keep it that way. Our rich farm lands, produce a large variety of crops, and livestock farming for our people. Some of our produce and livestock are exported overseas. Food, plants or plants products, animals or animal products from overseas may contain diseases that affect our source of income and food security.

Today however the speed and popularity of air travel has dramatically increased the chances of spreading pests and diseases from other countries to our shores, particularly those plant and animal pests and diseases, and weed species, which could devastate our economy, unique environment, and our way of life.

Our island paradise is constantly under threat and these pests and diseases may travel as hitchhikers with goods that you bring to Samoa. The best advice from Quarantine is – if in doubt leave it at home or declare.

Samoa Quarantine Service (SQS) is part of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MAF), and the Biosecurity Act 2005 mandates our work, where we prevent or control the introduction and spread of pests and diseases that could cause significant damage to human beings, animals, plants and other aspects of the environment or economic activities

Regulatory Section

Plans, manages, controls, integrates and evaluates the service activities of the Regulatory section which involves:

  • Fumigation Treatment– Dis-infestation treatment for export certification using Methyl Bromide chemical, and also for import commodities as required
  • Waterblasting– Dis-infestation treatment for vehicles and machineries and car parts
  • Garbage Collection– Garbage disposal from international aircrafts and ships and other risk sources
  • Incineration– Destruction of non-compliance agricultural commodities or seized items from various ports of entry at the incinerator
  • Export Certification– Issue of the Phytosanitary and/or Zoosanitary Certificate after inspection and necessary treatment
  • Surveillance and Monitoring– Post Entry Quarantine inspection and audit of approved facility for pack house and export facilities
  • Site and Report– Interception of pests or disease surveillance and database entry for pest list, virtual collection and manage pest samples


To increase public awareness on issues related to Samoa’s Biosecurity, and ensure relevant information is relayed appropriately Awareness Section

Carry out day to day public awareness issues, to enhance the information that is put across to various target groups to ensure maximum level of compliance to Quarantine. Main responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Improve consultation and public awareness systems with stakeholders
  • Prepare Quarantine Awareness and training materials and safeguarding
  • General public relations, education and promotion of Quarantine
  • Gather information for dissemination on the website and media
  • Conduct survey and monitor compliance levels rating awareness to the general public


Samoa Quarantine has strict requirements on importing plant and plant products, as plant pests and diseases can cause damage to our environment and agriculture. Please note that All Plant Products (fresh/dried/living/dead/large/small/common/rare) must be declared upon arrival and have been issued with an Import Permit into Samoa.

Goods permitted without an Import Permit

An import permit is not required to bring the following goods into Samoa.

  • Canned vegetables (cabbages, carrots, eggplant, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn etc)
  • Canned fruits (mango, peaches, plums, mixed fruits cherries etc)
  • Potato chips
  • Cakes (muffins, puddings, Christmas cakes etc)
  • Biscuits
  • Tortilla wraps
  • Cooking oils (virgin, olive, vegetables etc)
  • Peanut butter
  • Tomato sauce
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Tea leaf (processed in packets)
  • Cooked root crops (yams, taro, cassava, breadfruit)

Goods permitted with an Import Permit

An Import Permit is required to bring the following goods into Samoa.

  • Kava
  • Cut flowers
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Nursery stock


New and Used Vehicles and Machinery

All used vehicles and machinery are required to be inspected on arrival, and undergo a water blasting treatment. Importers are advised to arrange for their vehicles and machinery to be thoroughly cleaned of all contamination prior to shipping (e.g. soil, rocks, plant material, seeds, blood, fertilizer, infested or infected wood)
Vehicles and machinery imported inside shipping containers must also have the inside of the container thoroughly cleaned of all previous cargo residues, including dunnage.

If contamination is detected on the new/used vehicle or machinery or the container, further inspection and treatment will take place.

Containers and Personal Effects

Personal effects can range from one small bag or suitcase, to a complete shipping container full of household contents.

Personal effects consignments can be split into two separate types – accompanied and unaccompanied.  Accompanied means those consignments where the owner is present with the bag or case at the time of entry. Unaccompanied means those consignments where the owner is not necessarily present at time of entry, or has a Customs Broker acting as clearance agent on their behalf.  In both cases a Quarantine risk assessment will be undertaken upon entry.

People with accompanied consignments are required to make an entry declaration on the Passenger Arrival Declaration form.  Owners of unaccompanied consignments are required to make an entry declaration on a form supplied by their clearance broker, or at time of application at the Quarantine Office.